The sun is shining, the drinks are cold – but your patio furniture has seen better days. You want to give it a refresh quickly, easily, and on a budget. But how?
You can transform heavily-rusted metal patio furniture into modern, fresh pieces to be proud of, with Rust-Oleum Multi-Colour Textured products and just a dab of elbow grease. Rust-Oleum Multi-Colour Textured products were designed specifically for metal, are a breeze to work with, and will provide the premium result you want, without the premium investment. Let’s get started!
Required Materials
- Drop cloth
- Wire brush
- Soft cloth or rag
- Heavy-duty cleaner/degreaser
- Gloves
- Rust-Oleum® Multi-Colour Textured Rusty Metal Primer
- Rust-Oleum® Multi-Colour Textured Spray Paint
- Rust-Oleum® High-Performance Comfort Grip (optional)

1. Prep Your Area
Choose an outdoor area to lay your drop cloth down where you’d like to complete your project. Make sure the spot is well-ventilated with enough space for you to move around your patio furniture – and safe from curious hands and paws while your paint is drying! Place your patio furniture on top of the drop cloth. If you don’t have enough space for all of your pieces at once, don’t worry! Refurbishing one piece at a time is perfectly fine; just move each completed piece back to your patio once dry, then place the next one onto the drop cloth for its turn to be made over.
2. Clean the Surface
With your space prepped, start working on each piece of metal patio furniture by using your wire brush to scrub it, removing loose paint chips, rust, and other debris. Then, with a soft cloth or rag, carefully wipe each piece down to remove all of the dust. Once all of the dust is removed, use your heavy-duty cleaner/degreaser to carefully clean each piece, ensuring everything is free of unwanted build-up from the environment like dirt, oil, and grease. Rinse each piece with a garden hose, and allow the pieces to dry thoroughly.
3. Apply the Primer
Once your metal patio furniture set is nice and dry, it’s time to apply your Rust-Oleum Multi-Colour Textured Rusty Metal Primer. This primer bonds tightly to rust, forming a surface for your top coat to beautifully adhere to, all while resisting the corrosive air and moisture other primers can leave behind. You may want to start using gloves at this step, and for the greatest results, apply two light coats a few minutes apart. Only moments after your final coat of primer, you’ll be ready for the grand finale!
4. Apply the Textured Spray Paint
With Rust-Oleum Multi-Colour Textured Spray Paint, you can add dimension, colour, and class to your metal patio furniture instantly. Shaking is key! Shake your can until you hear the mixing ball rattling, then continue shaking for about 60 seconds. Holding your can upright about 25-40 centimetres from the surface of your metal patio furniture, begin spraying in a consistent back-and-forth motion with each stroke slightly overlapping. To avoid finger fatigue, you can use Rust-Oleum® High-Performance Comfort Grip – a trigger tool that snaps securely onto your paint can, making larger jobs easy and providing maximum comfort and control. For show-stopping results, apply two light coats a few minutes apart. Finally, let your metal patio furniture dry for one-two hours prior to handling it. Before you know it (in about 24 hours), your pieces will be ready for relaxing!
Whether you’re after something earthy or elegant, Rust-Oleum Multi-Colour Textured Spray Paint has a colour (or colour combination!) to add style and personality to your backyard oasis on a budget. Happy lounging!